Saturday, June 30, 2007

Follow up on the NCD survey at South

Some of you’ve seen the “doctor’s chart.” Others are discovering it first time. Some have made comments and expressed your excitement about growing trends. Some have asked questions of concern “what’s happening with our love?”

This week I received the additional analysis of every factor independently, based on questions pertaining to each of the eight quality areas of church life. The greatest thing is that you come to church with increased anticipation of the Encounter in Worship! The leadership quality is strength is rising and the planning for events has improved.

As a church we recognize the relevance of Groups for integrating newcomers and for ministry of nurturing our spirituality. We know that it is our need, just need to start these groups… We need a process for multiplication of disciples, leaders, groups. We need to develop a community where mentorship and spiritual discipling will be expected. Our church is ripe for the Small Group facilitation.

As a pastor I take a personal responsibility for broadcasting the Vision. Not all see the clear picture of preferred future for our congregation, and without clear goals and objectives it is hard to determine how functional are efforts are. So let me remind you here – we want to see our church as a Place where Every Believer is a Minister! Your understanding of the significance of having your own Personal Ministry is urgent, and is our top priority.

Our greatest concern is interpersonal relationships, the “Love” factor. The atmosphere of Joy and acceptance has been growing! But there is still a lack of affirmation and encouragement. In concert with insufficient Conflict Resolution and hidden perceived conflicts prevents the congregation from deepening relationships and growing more together as a family. This alone affects everything else from friendliness to visitors for evangelism, to leadership issues.

A corporate TEAM effort for Evangelism is our biggest hurdle. We need a team to facilitate and maintain a constant process of Evangelism, to develop and teach Personal Witnessing, and to prepare the church for being more sensitive to the seekers.

These needs can be accomplished only with one option – Passion for God, for His Church, and for His Soon Return. Seek that Passion!

Follow up on survey results @ North

Some of you’ve seen the “doctor’s chart.” Some have made comments and expressed your concerns about the trends. Some have asked questions like “how can it be?”

This week I received the additional analysis of every factor independently, based on questions pertaining to each of the eight quality areas of church life. The greatest thing is that you come to church with increased anticipation of the Encounter in Worship! Good thing is that the interpersonal friendship and relationships enable us to handle conflicts in spite of differences, there is plenty of affirmation and encouragement, but much more needs to be done in conflicts that are deep under the surface.

As a church we recognize the relevance of Groups for integrating newcomers and for ministry of nurturing our spirituality. We know that it is our need, just need to start these groups… We need a process for multiplication of disciples, leaders, groups. We need to develop a community where mentorship and spiritual discipling will be expected. Our church is ripe for the Small Group facilitation.

There is willingness to share responsibility, no power-hoarding here, but at the same time there is a lack of equipping, empowering and investing into developing new leaders. It’s not enough to offer opportunity without resources and support.

As a pastor I take a personal responsibility for broadcasting the Vision. Not all see the clear picture of preferred future for our congregation, and without clear goals and objectives it is hard to determine how functional are efforts are. So let me remind you here – we want to see our church as a Place where Every Believer is a Minister! Your understanding of the significance of having your own Personal Ministry is urgent, and is our top priority.

We are friendly to visitors, and newcomers, but the lack of supporting structures, such as mothers room, children ministry, and a follow up process keeps the “back door” wide open. A corporate TEAM effort for Evangelism is our biggest hurdle. We need a team to facilitate and maintain a constant process of Evangelism, to develop and teach Personal Witnessing, and to prepare the church for being more sensitive to the seekers.

These needs can be accomplished only with one option – Passion for God, for His Church, and for His Soon Return. Seek that Passion!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

2007 NCD survey results at South London

This how our church’s “health chart” looks this year. Overall the quality of our church experience have grown significantly since 2005. Yet the two areas of church life that needed improvement the most still remain the same – Small Groups and Loving relationships. The last two mentioned by apostle Peter in his 2nd letter: brotherly kindness and charity, community fellowship and love (2nd Peter 1:5-9)

This summer our church leaders will meet to strategize and plan for improving the church spiritual health. Meanwhile let’s start working out on strengthening our “love muscles. ” People are often prepared to reform others. Let’s start with reforming ourselves, quietly, focusing on different aspects of love – justice, truth and grace. Here is a set of 12 exercises

1. Fill up with God’s Love.

2. Love yourself.

3. Wear other people’s glasses.

4. Put an end to spiritual hypocrisy.

5. Learn to trust.

6. Make yourself vulnerable.

7. Dare to forgive.

8. Be transparent.

9. Train active listening.

10. Surprise with gifts.

11. Use your humor.

12. Eat together.

Before we consider group exercise, and learn to love those around us together, as one family, let’s learn to love as individuals, let’s take a personal responsibility to allow God’s love growing in us.

2007 NCD survey results at North London

It’s never easy to face a doctor’s chart, especially when you feel something is not right. Our first diagnosis in 2005 was just a statement – this is where we are. We had worked hard together to improve the quality of our church experience and by 2006 had cheerfully welcomed the good news that we were improving rapidly, yet another year and we should have been well on our way to a healthy growing and reproducing church. We needed to work more on worship and leadership development. Both of these categories of our church life have improved again; worship more than leadership, though. Yet as I look at the 2007 chart I am asking myself: “At what cost? How come other areas plummeted?”

Somehow our structures and our spirituality have suffered. Reading up on the experiences of church leaders from the past one thing is evident – unity and order are always consistent with willingness to submit to the spiritual discipline and fruitfulness.

One of our pioneers made this comment on matter of church functionality: “Angels work harmoniously. Perfect order characterizes all their movements. The more closely we imitate the harmony and order of the angelic host, the more successful will be the efforts of these heavenly agents in our behalf. If we see no necessity for harmonious action, and are disorderly, undisciplined, and disorganized in our course of action, angels, who are thoroughly organized and move in perfect order, cannot work for us successfully. They turn away in grief, for they are not authorized to bless confusion, distraction, and disorganization.

All who desire the co-operation of the heavenly messengers must work in unison with them. Those who have the unction from on high will in all their efforts encourage order, discipline, and union of action, and then the angels of God can co-operate with them. But never, never will these heavenly messengers place their endorsement upon irregularity, disorganization, and disorder. All these evils are the result of Satan's efforts to weaken our forces, to destroy courage, and prevent successful action.” (Testimonies to the Church. Vol.1 p.649)

Let consider this advice as the leaders of our church come together to pray, plan and strategize about improving our church experience together.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Disciplined Spirituality

Do you exercise? Ever? Today everybody is talking about necessity of physical exercise for fitness, health and longevity. But my concern is more than physical iron pumping, or aerobics, or running. I am concerned about other aspects of being human – things like soul and spirit.

Do you do mental exercise? This week’s Sabbath School was an interesting one. Especially the Wednesday lesson with all those questions “What says the Word of God?” Problematic situations were introduced and an answer from the Word of God was to be sought after. How did you score? How often do you exercise your mental ability? Nowadays even in schools kids rely more on gadgets, not trusting their mind power to do simple calculus. Many rely on computers, software and internet for answers. How’s your mental strength?

What about exercises for the soul, for your emotions, for your feelings, for your ability to interact with other people? Do you exercise your attitude? I’ve heard a new word from a church member this week “baditude” – meaning negative tune of the spirit…being out of shape spiritually.

Do you know spiritual exercises? I remember going to a chiropractor with my back problems and learning simple stretch exercises to relieve my pain. Has anyone taught you simple exercises that would tune-up your spirit and soul?

Christians over the years have learned that certain practices help them keep the spiritual channels open and help keep the heart turned toward God. These disciplines alone can't save you; they can't even make you a holy person. But they can heighten your desire, awareness, and love of God by stripping down the barriers that you put up within yourself and some that others put up for you. Exercises that take a specific part of your way of life and turn it toward God.

These exercises are often called “classic disciplines.” Classic – because Christian practiced them for two millennia; and Disciplines because they must be practiced faithfully and regularly, forming a habit or a regular pattern in your life that repeatedly brings you back to God and opens you up to what God is saying to you.

Similar practices may be found in other religions. The difference is that Christian disciplines are squarely centered on Jesus Christ. When Christ is not at the heart of it, it may still be beneficial in some way, but it is not being practiced in a Christian way. In the end, if it does not help you follow Christ, it is of no real worth.

So let me just mention some: Solitude, Silence, Fasting, Frugality, Chastity, Secrecy, Sacrifice, Study, Meditation, Worship, Celebration, Service, Prayer, Fellowship, Confession, Submission. These are just few. Your health is your responsibility. Your spiritual attitude is your job. As your pastor I will introduce you to more exercise and coach your training – but the work is yours. Start trying!