Saturday, December 24, 2005

the end of first NCD year

Christmas season will never be the same for me. Exactly a year ago we moved here! December 21st we arrived to London to start a new page in our lives and ministry. Today I am looking back at the year past rejoicing for the accomplishments of both churches in London. We have built relationships and discovered each other’s passion, strength and uniqueness.
Reviewing the past year I am encouraged to recognize that:
- we have empowering, directing and spiritual LEADERSHIP,
- we build loving, lasting and significant RELATIONSHIPS.
- we experience passionate personal SPIRITUALITY.
- we enjoy effective and functional STRUCTURES.
- we begin to develop and steward gift-oriented MINISTRIES.
- we WORSHIP in an inspiring genuine and participatory way
In the next 6 months we will begin to equip our congregations for
- Need oriented strategic EVANGELISM.
- Community development through HOLISTIC GROUPS.
Half a year ago we had began the Natural Church Development (NCD) Process only to get through the diagnosing part, and to begin our first implementation steps. However, much more remains to be discovered. The emphasis this year will be on learning biotic principles of growing healthy churches, learning to think and make decisions for mutual benefit.
As I look forward into the future I am encouraged to know that God is leading His People every step. Psalmist David reminds us that steps of the godly are directed and ordered by the LORD (Psalm 37:23)
We have met recently with the elders to discuss plans for preaching and leading the Church into 2006 and we agreed to set aside the first quarter to focus on understanding the changing world around us in order to reach the postmodern generation. Then for the rest of the year we will reaffirm what we believe by preaching and explaining our fundamental beliefs. We ought to be reminded that the Truth we believe is not an Abstract Idea, but the Real Person.
Even as the world celebrates the Birth of Christ we are reminded that the Mystery of Ages is not a philosophy or a worldview, but the Person, the Son of God who seeks intimate relationships with His Creation. “Truth” has no independent status outside of relationships and obligations we have with God and others. To BELIEVE is to BELOVE. As we grow in FAITH so will we grow in LOVE. As we continue developing strong Loving Relationships in our churches my main emphasis in my ministry this coming year will be Youth and Children of the Church.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

South London - reality check

Dead churches score an average of 0.

Dying – range from 35 to 0.
35 is minimum survival score.
Churches that score 35 are ALIVE, but not well.
Perfect “health” begins at score of 65.
Our average score is 35.8!


What is obvious even from the first glance on the above chart is that we have TWO areas in need of improvement, and they both are interconnected – Holistic Small Groups & Loving Relationships!

North London - reality check

Dead churches score an average of 0.

Dying – range from 35 to 0.
35 is minimum survival score.
Churches that score 35 are ALIVE, but not well.
Perfect “health” begins at score of 65.
Our average score is 32.8!


It is encouraging to see that our strength lays in our Passionate Spirituality, rooted in the blessed hope in the soon return of Our Lord Jesus. Together with the new Empowering Leadership we move boldly toward greater spiritual health of our congregation.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Church Health Team

Whole month has passed since we considered our minimum factor. It is time to put together a team that would be responsible for suggesting a course of action and setting a plan with a timeline to guide the church through the process of improving Church’s spiritual health. Pastor Alex together with the Board of Elders had led through the initial preparation and diagnosis stages. However, as we move toward implementing necessary changes and improvements we need to increase the leadership team.
If you wonder who should serve on this team – we recommend:
  • people who are spiritually mature, who have a heart for God and his kingdom. People who exercise personal spiritual disciplines of prayer and reading of scripture regularly.
  • people who can see the big picture, who are not lost in the details, who can see the purpose of increasing quality.
  • people who are strategic thinkers. While it is important to keep an eye on the big picture, it should never be done at the expense of planning. We need people who can make dreams become reality, who can bring the idea into practice.
  • people who are committed to see the church grow. Enthusiasm for the church is contagious and motivates others.

Following Roles are important on the Team:

  1. TEAM LEADER. Everything truly does rise and fall on leadership. The leader should be someone who works well with people, yet is decisive and keep the team moving forward. The laity drives the church, the leader should be someone other than the pastor, though he/she should work closely with the pastor.
  2. STRATEGIC THINKER. A person who enjoys creating processes to ensure success. The accountability person for the team, putting names, dates, and goals in writing to track progress and keep the team moving forward.
  3. RESEARCHER. A person who can do a lot of the leg work for the team, including compiling a list of people and their spiritual gifts, bringing ideas from the congregation to the team, phone calls, etc.
  4. INTERCESSOR. We cannot emphasize enough the importance of prayer. Prayer is vital to the success of your team, and we need the prayer warrior.
  5. COMMUNICATOR. It is not possible to have the whole church serve on the Church Health Team, it is important to keep Church informed of the team’s progress, for the Church to embrace it. This person will serve as a key link between the team and the leadership of the church.
This core group will work with different MEMBERS OF MINISTRY TEAMS in the process. Since many of the changes will directly affect the ministries of the church – people from the front-lines will be invited to participate in the process at different stages.

Saturday, June 4, 2005

from Technocratic to Biotic

How do you see your church? A Robot? or a Living Organism?
At first look machines do work, and robots function well – artificially. Yet they fail miserably in a biotic world. The “ROBOT” church takes external energy end has no life in itself. Ministries are sustained by the constant input by leaders.
Jesus taught that the Church is the Body, the Kingdom is a Living Organism, not a robot assembled from pre-made parts. The healthy church lives without a need for technical systems to provide a “life-support”. Healthy church lives and grows by itself, using God-given viability.
Even when the church is presented as the Temple, its members are called “living stones” (1st Peter 2:1-5)
Having learned the 8 essential qualities of a healthy church, and the impact of the “weak link” or a “minimum factor” on the integrity of the whole church body, we must consider how to improve the quality, how to raise the minimums and build up the health of the church, using BIOTIC principles.
Living church cannot follow someone else’s blueprint, or copy another church model. It must use its own growth automatisms. Instead of relying on artificial technology living church simply uses natural principles.
Living Organism is

  • Connected interdependently
  • Reproduces by multiplying
  • Transforms energy for leverage
  • Sustains through multi-usage
  • Cooperates symbiotically
  • Self-checks through functionality
Here I did it again - used whole bunch of technical terms that don’t sound at all like natural biotic principles. Next week we’ll unpack these principles through natural living examples…

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Suspense of the Lowest Stave

Considering harmonious interaction of ministry, leadership, spirituality, structures, worship, small groups, evangelism & relationships we will be focusing on one area at the time. We will do LESS than before, but we will concentrate our limited resources strategically.
Within an integrated system even a small cause has an enduring effect. A hornet can disable an elephant if it uses its “power” effectively.
The barrel you see is an analogy of our church. The staves – different in height – are our essential characteristics. We retain and serve only as many as our lowest stave can hold, as many as our weakest link can hold, as many as our area of necessary growth can sustain. It is true that God sends the water, God adds the people to the church. And He does so willingly, as long as our barrel (church) can hold.
Does our barrel hold the water?
What is the quality of our staves?
Which one is the “leaky” or short?
Is it our lack of loving relationships?
Is it total absence of holistic small groups, where people are connected and developed by example?

Adventism is not taught, it is caught. In areas where our churches are growing rapidly an interesting observation was made: whenever the new people are placed in a new entity and taught, they take 8 times longer to catch on the lifestyle and principles of Adventist message. Yet, when they are placed into community groups led by veterans of faith – they catch the teaching on the fly, and adopt the Three Angels Message immediately. Groups are most essential components of healthy churches.
Maybe it’s functionality of our departments that “holds no water”? Praying will only help us to see God telling us to get up off our knees and to go and fix our problems in the camp (Joshua 7:10-13)
We are waiting for the results of the survey. And as we discover our strength we will use it to build up the Minimum Factor, to grow a balanced and well-adjusted church. Pray that our church will honor God as we build the health of the church.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Releasing God-given Potential

We’ve pushed long and hard making our church “grow.” Now, as we are awaiting diagnostic results, to discover how to take those square wheels off, we are looking into the future seeing the Church in which
  • the leadership is committed heart and soul to church growth,
  • every Christian is using his or hers gifts to edify the church;
  • members are living out the faith with power and contagious enthusiasm;
  • church structures are evaluated on whether they serve the growth of the church or not;
  • worship services are a high point of the week for majority of the congregation;
  • the loving and healing power of Christian fellowship can be experienced in small groups;
  • all Christians, according to their gifts, help to fulfill the Great Commission;
  • the Love of Christ permeates all church activities.

Growth of our church family will not be achieved by introducing new methods or changing what we do, but by improving the quality of all elements essential to Christian service, moving from lookwarmness into fiery living. With quality increased the quantitative growth will be a “by-product.”

Let’s allow “God designed” automatism within the church to grow our church all by itself. (Mark 4:26-29)

Saturday, May 7, 2005

Loving Relationships & Community through Groups

So far we have unpacked 6 essential qualities of healthy church - EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP, GIFT-ORIENTED MINISTRY, PASSIONATE SPIRITUALITY and INSPIRING WORSHIP, NEED-ORIENTED EVANGELISM, & FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURES. The last two are simple and yet often neglected. I am talking about LOVING RELATIONSHIPS.
  • How often do you spend time with other church members outside of church-sponsored events?
  • When did you invite someone for a meal, or went out together for a walk?
  • How aware are the deacons of the church, and your pastor of your personal problems?
  • How much laughter is in our church?

Have anyone told you that you should look to Jesus rather than to people? It’s true that people will disappoint you where Jesus would never. Yet, this is the absolute of what Jesus said. Jesus put it simple – by this all will know that you are Disciples – if you love one another… (John 13:34-35) The first witnessing that needs to go out of this church is not my preaching, and not the dogma you got from the Sabbath School – simply LOVE ONE ANOTHER. This is most basic Jesus’ commandment!!! John wrote to the churches of his day that “one who does not love does not know God, for God is Love.” (1 John 4:7-8). Don’t hide under umbrella of “we’ve got the truth!” If we have the truth – we will love.
Ellen G. White wrote that “the strongest argument in favor for the Gospel is a loving and loveable Christian.” (Ellen. G. White, Ministry of Healing, 470) Sadly, but we must admit that we had preached more with words that with actions and living love.

Loving relationships result in building community where groups of people come together often. It is HOLISTIC GROUPS that present the final link in the essential qualities of the healthy church. Groups is not a dispensable hobby. Groups are vital for a healthy church. In fact, Groups are the most important factor of church health. It is the natural place for Christians to learn to serve others. Christianity outside of community is an oxymoron. Christianity is build on community. Without a small group experience there can never be a real congregational praise.
“Holistic” stands for “comprehensive, complete.” Such groups don’t’ do curriculums. Such groups care for each other while maturing in Christ together. This is not a new trend, it is the way Jesus started the Church – discipling a group. He spent far more time with his 12 sidekicks than with multitudes. Our failure to pattern our ministry after that of Jesus results in our inability to reach the world for Him. Whole New Testament is written in context of house churches, and to the households, groups, small communities. Read Romans 12 to see the theology of community.
Holistic groups deals with whole person, minds, spirit, emotions. It’s a place where people can be themselves and not feel condemned, a place where no one needs to put masks of appearance. The early Adventist church had began through social meetings. Small Groups are God’s Plan for Church, God’s Vision. Ellen White penned this testimony: “The formation of small companies as a basis of Christian effort has been presented to me by One who cannot err.” (Testimonies, vol. 7, pp. 21- 22). This characteristic is linked most strongly to the church’s ability to grow.
It is my prayer for you to be loving and loveable church.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Need-oriented Evangelism & Functional Structures

After introducing such acceptable essential qualities as EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP, GIFT-ORIENTED MINISTRY, PASSIONATE SPIRITUALITY and INSPIRING WORSHIP, today we must consider two qualities of living church that are riddled with clichés, dogmas, myths and errors, that cause most controversy in many churches.
Church Growth is inconceivable without EVANGELISM. Yet, there were mistakes made in the past by some who used “pushy” manipulative methods to get people into church. Many feel a strange sensation when we hear the word “evangelism.” Yet, “Evangelism” means bringing the good news to people in need, sharing this gospel in a way that meets the questions and wants of non-Christians. Gospel gives realism to the chaos of human longings, it orders lives, and gives purpose and direction in a world that has no vision of future.
Thus we must consider a NEED-ORIENTED EVANGELISM, and replace “manipulative programs” with addressing needs of already existing contacts, of those we associate and communicate daily. We must evangelize people on their terms and on their turf rather than on ours, going to them instead of expecting them to come to us. This is the essence of what Jesus meant when he declared “Go!” (Matthew 28:19). This is the model Jesus demonstrated when He was here on Earth. He was criticized by traditionalists for hanging out with sinners (Luke 15:2). This is what Paul meant when he “became all to all” (1st Corinthians 9:22).
A pen of inspiration described this type of Evangelism as: “Christ's method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, "Follow Me." (Ellen G. White, Ministry of Healing, 143)
On another occasion she commented that Jesus “sought them in the public streets, in private houses, on the boats, in the synagogue, by the shores of the lake, and at the marriage feast. He met them at their daily vocations, and manifested an interest in their secular affairs. He carried His instruction into the household, bringing families in their own homes under the influence of His divine presence. His strong personal sympathy helped to win hearts.-- (Ellen G. White, Desire of Ages, 151)
Instead of waiting the world to respond to our needs, we must respond to their needs, be “fishers” of people. Instead of using traditional comfortable methods that are not successful, in harmony with Jesus’ approach we will abandon traditional structures! Here I said it! Who cares for structures that are not functioning?
FUNCTIONAL STRUCTURES is the criteria of evaluating our church life! Church structures are never and end in themselves, but only means. What ever is not functioning must be either changed and fixed to function, or laid to rest. The greatest resistance will come from traditionalism: “we’ve always done it that way.” Just remember that traditionalism was always the greatest factor of decline and arrested growth.
What do you care for – form and structure, or effectiveness and efficiency? Dead matter and living organisms are not distinguished much by their substances – but by their functionality of structures.
God has placed His Church here for a purpose, and if we are not fulfilling the purpose – there is no other reason for being. Organization was created to accomplish the mission. If it is not accomplishing the task set – it must be re-organized. Structures exist to function, and not to self-preserve. When mission becomes subservient to the organization – a dysfunctional system results. Dysfunctional structures is simply work of the devil. “Satan is ever working to have the service of God degenerate into dull form, and become powerless to save souls. While the energy, earnestness, and efficiency of the workers become deadened by the efforts to have everything so systematic, the taxing labor that must be done by our ministers to keep this complicated machinery in motion, engrosses so much time that the spiritual work is neglected. And with so many things to run, this work requires so large an amount of means that other branches of the work will wither and die for want of due attention.” (Ellen G. White, Gospel Workers, 333)
Don’t confuse organizational structures with the doctrines of the church. When an existing structure becomes hindrance – it’s time to change the structure. Check your structures. Are they functional?

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Passionate Spirituality & Inspiring Worship

an you imagine a church without PASSIONATE SPIRITUALITY of its members? Yet, churches that tend towards legalism report that the spiritual passion is below average… Jesus addressed church in Ephesus on this issue of losing its first love, losing its passionate spirituality. Same problem happens in Laodicea – legalism in stead of love. The disease of lukewarmness is exact opposite of what PASSIONATE SPIRITUALITY is. Pure doctrine without love is nothing (1st Corinthians 13:1-3) Whenever a “defense of orthodoxy” replaces the expression of a passionate faith in Christ a rigid fanaticism, and not truly liberated passion will flourish.
The quality of this characteristic is examined when the prayer life of church is examined. These words come from the pen of inspiration: “Prayer will be no task to the soul that loves God; it will be a pleasure, a source of strength. Our hearts will be stayed upon God, and we shall say by our daily life, "Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world." (Ellen. G. White, Gospel Workers, 437). On another occasion she wrote concerning the upbring the young people: “When the gaze is fixed upon Jesus, the life finds its center. The enthusiasm, the generous devotion, the passionate ardor, of the youth find here their true object. Duty becomes a delight and sacrifice a pleasure. To honor Christ, to become like Him, to work for Him, is the life's highest ambition and its greatest joy.” (Education, 296).
Passionate Spirituality is the life of faith as a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ. Our faith is not a duty to endure, but a delight of a relationship longed for. If spending time with Jesus is a burden, then passionate spirituality is certainly lacking. It’s time to rekindle the flame of lost love for Jesus, and spend time in His presence.
We don’t want you coming to the church to do pastor, or God a favor. When you bring your PASSIONATE SPIRITUALITY to the INSPIRING WORSHIP we join Heavens in the experience of praise. INSPIRING WORSHIP occurs when God has stirred our hearts all through the week. Yet, true worship is much more than just Sabbath convocation. “True worship consists in working together with Christ. Prayers, exhortation, and talk are cheap fruits, which are frequently tied on; but fruits that are manifested in good works, in caring for the needy, the fatherless, and widows, are genuine fruits, and grow naturally upon a good tree.” (Ellen G. White, Review and Herald, August 16, 1881).
Psalmist said “I was glad when they say to me: ‘Let us go to the house of the Lord!’ (Psalm 122:1). Just translate the constant praise of Angels in heaven as being in awe and saying WOW! In the presence of God. Remember that the qualitative adjective is INSPIRING, and it simply means the presence of the Holy Spirit in our Worship, for the inspiration has only one source.
Are you on fire? Have you been born from above?

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Empowering Leadership & Gift-oriented Ministry

When you think of growing church, you are probably are thinking of a large church. Yet, in most cases existent large churches are not really growing, but maintaining their size through a “turnaround” of people. In most cases people are the “feed” for the system, instead of being the “product” of the system.
The key distinction of a truly healthy church that grows is in a LEADERSHIP that is EMPOWERING, where leaders do not use lay workers as “helpers” to attain their own goals and to fulfill their own vision. EMPOWERING LEADERSHIP means that the pyramid of authority is inverted and the Servant Leadership model is practiced, where leadership assists Christians to attain the spiritual potential God has for them. Instead of handling the bulk of church responsibilities on their own – they invest their time in discipling, delegating, training. The energy they invest in others is multiplied many times.
Apostle Paul challenged his protégé Timothy to train and empower others (2 Timothy 2:2). Paul outlined the whole purpose of pastors and leaders as empowering people for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4: 11-12).
Every church should be a training school for Christian workers… (Ellen G. White, The Ministry of Healing, p. 149)
Ministers should not do the work which belongs to the church, wearying themselves and preventing others from performing their duty. They should teach the members how to. (Ellen G. White, an Appeal in Review & Herald, October 12, 1886)
Every believer is a full-time minister. Everything we do in life should be done for God and be our ministry. Our church leaders are leaders only if they enable and empower every member to live life of ministry.
Members need to be equipped for their ministries based on the bestowal of spiritual gifts. This concept of GIFT-ORIENTED MINISTRY has always been upheld in our Church. We even framed it as one of our 27 fundamental beliefs. The outpouring of the Latter Rain will come in a manner of the Early Rain. Just as spiritual gifts were given on the day of Pentecost, more spiritual gifts are given in these days, when the Latter Rain is imminent. The importance of this doctrine was always urgent: “the greatest cause of our spiritual feebleness as a people, is the lack of real faith in Spiritual Gifts.” (Ellen G. White, an Appeal in Review & Herald, January 14, 1868) The members have depended upon pulpit declamations instead of on the Holy Spirit. Uncalled for and unused, the spiritual gifts bestowed on them have dwindled into feebleness. (Ellen G. White, Selected Messages. Vol.1. 127)
When Christians serve in their area of giftedness, they function less in their own strength and more in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Spiritual gifts are not an option but a vital necessity in Adventist Churches. The area of concern is not in identifying people’s gifts, but placing people in ministry that is in harmony with their spiritual giftedness, finding the niche, the right place for right people. A system must be developed to support people in their areas of giftedness, and to connect every ministry to the mission of the church. Becoming the Church of Ministers we are living up to the Reformation call, restoring Biblical teaching of the Priesthood of ALL believers (1st Peter 2:9).
Let’s grow together into disciples of Jesus, because this is the way He designed His work to be accomplished.

Saturday, April 9, 2005

Church Health means Quality

By now I hope you have got these 8 quality characteristics of the healthy churches learned by heart and memorized. Right?
  • Inspiring WORSHIP
  • Empowering LEADERSHIP.
  • Need oriented EVANGELISM.
  • Passionate SPIRITUALITY.
  • Functional STRUCTURES.
  • Gift oriented MINISTRIES.
High quality results in increased quantity. But first things is quality. Quality is deeply embedded in the very psyche of Adventism. From our beginnings we have deliberately attempted to do whatever we do in the best possible way. Whether in our personal spiritual life or in the corporate life of the church, quality is essential.
“Higher than the highest human thought can reach is God's ideal for His children. Godliness--godlikeness--is the goal to be reached. Before the student there is opened a path of continual progress. He has an object to achieve, a standard to attain, that includes everything good, and pure, and noble. He will advance as fast and as far as possible in every branch of true knowledge. But his efforts will be directed to objects as much higher than mere selfish and temporal interests as the heavens are higher than the earth.” (Ellen G. White, Education, 18-19)
All quality characteristic are important. However, some have a greater impact on others, and on growth. One of such is Holistic Small Groups. This factor affects spirituality, relationships, leadership, ministries and even evangelism.
As you reflect again on these essential characteristics, remember that the descriptive adjective here is the key. We will knowingly move our church to a higher level of quality, becoming better instruments for God’s use in His Kingdom.
“There is a wide field for the elders and the helpers in every church. They are to feed the flock of God with pure provender, thoroughly winnowed from the chaff, the poisonous mixture of error. You who have any part to act in the church of God, be sure that you act wisely in feeding the flock of God; for its prosperity much depends upon the quality of this food.” (Ellen G. White, 7th Volume of the SDA Bible Commentary, 942)
As I read Isaiah 6: 9-10 recently, I began to realize that our unwillingness to change numbs our minds to understand. We won’t understand if we rule out change, for understanding always leads to change. The spirit of True wisdom, knowledge and understanding is from God alone. These are Divine attributes (Isaiah 11:2). Seek God’s Spirit as we go through this process of change, learn and inquire about ways of God.

Saturday, April 2, 2005

Introducing Diagnostic Survey

For the past 2 weeks I’ve been sharing with you about the essential aspects of church life that reflect the health of the church.
  • Inspiring genuine and participatory WORSHIP becomes reality
  • Empowering, directing and spiritual LEADERSHIP.
  • Need oriented strategic EVANGELISM.
  • Loving, lasting and significant RELATIONSHIPS.
  • Passionate personal SPIRITUALITY.
  • Effective and functional STRUCTURES.
  • Gift oriented stewardship MINISTRIES.
  • Community developed through HOLISTIC GROUPS.
A Survey has been created to enable individual churches to measured these eight areas objectively. Once the church knows their "minimum factor" (their weakest area), they can begin concentrating on improving that area. Usually, as the minimum factor is improved, other areas improve also.
The premise of Natural Church Development (NCD) is that as obstacles to growth are removed, the church will naturally grow as God has given it the ability to grow. A comparison can be made to a plant. If you plant in poor, rocky soil, provide very little sunlight and no water, the plant will not grow. If you remove the rocks, provide good soil, adequate sunlight and water, the plant will naturally grow, as God has given it the ability to grow.
The leadership of your church will involve all congregation in this process of revival. The initial stage will be introduced May 7, by giving questioners to church family members. Questionnaires are filled out by 30 randomly selected active, involved lay persons and by the pastor. The data from these questionnaires is entered into a computer program with a special connection that enables this data to be compared to the data previously entered from ALL the Christian churches in the Canada, and all the Adventist Churches in North America, that have ever taken the survey. The results are then computed and given to the church, so everyone can easily see their corporate strengths and weaknesses in each of these eight areas.
It is our objective to become more healthy and more effective in our ministries within the congregation and within the community we serve. And remember, these 8 quality characteristics are achieved only in coming close to the center – closer to Lord Jesus Christ.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Introducing Natural Church Development

This weekend the Christian world commemorates an event that took place 1974 years ago. The event that transformed the world by reconciling the world to God, and providing a direct access to life eternal through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Apostle Paul writing to the Church in Rome comments on this mighty event of Christ’s Death and Resurrection, emphasizing that the true celebration is represented in the symbols of Baptism. It is in baptism when we went under the water, we left the old country of sin behind; and when we came out of the water, we entered a new country of Grace – a new life. Paul says that when we are lowered into the water, it is like the burial of Jesus; when we are raised up out of the water, it is like the resurrection of Jesus. (Romans 6:3-5)
Paul continues on this subject of the miraculous resurrection of Christ when he reminds believers that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, He will do the same thing in you that He did in Jesus – making you alive, with the Spirit of God living in you. (Romans 8:11)
As we reflect on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, I encourage you to consider that the same miraculous resurrection took place in your life when you were baptized, and the same miracle of resurrection to a new life is available to all who will be baptized into Jesus.
Being given a new life we are becoming what Christ intended His Church Body to be – A Church of Ministers, each one receiving gifts and anointing for personal ministry. The Body of Christ alive is growing and has these characteristics:
Inspiring genuine and participatory WORSHIP.
Empowering, directing and spiritual LEADERSHIP.
Need oriented strategic EVANGELISM.
Loving, lasting and significant RELATIONSHIPS.
Passionate personal SPIRITUALITY.
Effective and functional STRUCTURES.
Gift oriented stewardship MINISTRIES.
Community developed through HOLISTIC GROUPS.
Remember the price paid for your life, and live it with Christ, so your joy may be abundant