Saturday, May 27, 2006

Celebrating Growth @ North Church

With joy I can report that we have improved in most areas of our church life. I am talking “significant improvement!” Our average is up from 33 to 52. In areas of small groups and loving relationships our scores are 12 units higher than last year.
While the measuring tools we use tell us WHAT is happening, it is up to us to figure out WHY these trends are such. This survey involved broad spectrum of church members and worship participants.
Seeing a slight decline in spirituality I wonder if we began to rely on our efforts in fixing things, forgetting that it is not our rowing skills, or the length of our ores, but the wind in our spiritual sail that will move this church-boat in God’s direction. Remember, we live by both/and, not either/or principle. We must use our skills and energies while fully anticipating and relying on God’s Power to move us as He wills.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Celebrating Growth @ South Church

With joy I can report that we have improved in most areas of our church life. I am talking “significant improvement!” Our average is up from 35 to 43. In areas of small groups and loving relationships our scores are 12 units higher than last year.
While the measuring tools we use tell us WHAT is happening, it is up to us to figure out WHY these trends are such. This survey involved broad spectrum of church members and worship participants.
Seeing a slight decline in spirituality I wonder if we began to rely on our efforts in fixing things, forgetting that it is not our rowing skills, or the length of our ores, but the wind in our spiritual sail that will move this church-boat in God’s direction. Remember, we live by both/and, not either/or principle. We must use our skills and energies while fully anticipating and relying on God’s Power to move us as He wills.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

BIOTICS - the opposite of usual

Here we are: done our second evaluation, waiting for results, wondering to see some objective data of our progress as a health-improving church. Over the past two month we looked at six principles of thinking and decision making according to God’s original design. This tool we’ve been using – the NCD – is not a prefabricated program for the church, it’s just a tool to use. Instead of offering “cut flowers” it intends to help churches grow their own.
Next week at our NCD potluck our elders will review the six “biotic” principles as our values paradigm, after which we will present the results of survey.
Right now we are doing things habitually, the way we used to. Yet, as we practice the biotic principles time after time they will become our habit, we would be more intuitive in making right decisions for the church. The value of principles we are sharing is not only in telling us how to act, but also in helping us to creatively react to challenges in a way that supports growth. These principles are really Biblical principles customized to changing situations.
The bottom line – our intention is to recreate an environment where God given growth will build the Church. Let’s remove the barriers of sin. Lets lift up lids of human limitations, and let God build His Kingdom among us.
  • we are made for INTERDEPENDENT living, where each one is connected and our experiences affect all;
  • God’s Kingdom is meant to MULTIPLY continually as success means successors and disciples produce disciples;
  • God is able to turn and REDIRECT everything for His purpose, all our ENERGIES can be transformed in a single direction for God’s glory;
  • Everyone to be used and use in a two-way street give-n’- take exchange of MUTUAL BENEFITS;
  • LIVING TOGETHER we must consider networking together for one-anotherness;
  • FUNCTIONAL means useful, means purposeful and constructive.

Think on these things before attempting any action or reaction:

  • How will it affect others? What are possible side-effects of it?
  • Am I reproducing and multiplying what God entrusted me for His Glory?
  • Am I fighting life, or trusting God to redirect all waves for His purpose?
  • As I serve do I allow to be served, am I being refilled regularly?
  • Do we serve one-another in what we do?
  • Is it useful, functional? Will it build up or tear down?
As a pastor I don’t want to push and shove my churches in our own strength. For it is not by our power, but by the Holy Spirit that we grow. God’s blessings are not accidents. For He know what plans He has for us! Plans to prosper, plans to give us hope and future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

Saturday, May 6, 2006

FUNCTIONALITY – why do we do things we do ?

Nothing stays perfect on this earth forever. Nothing we invent stays forever ideal. Agree? Why then, whenever a change is introduced, it is so hard to give old ways? A question that we must constantly be asking: is it still functional? Whenever you’ve got something there comes a time when you look at it and have to admit that it served its purpose, got tired and is not functional….
Are there certain things we do that no one knows anymore why and there are no benefits from it to anyone? How do we evaluate our functions for effectiveness? Do we know the purpose in everything that we do? Does what we do accomplish the purpose for which it was designed in the first place? What criteria do we apply to assess functionality?
God created everything for a specific function. There is no redundancy, or unnecessary items in God’s design. Everything has a purpose! In fact a synonym could be used for functionality: fruitfulness. Naturally, when purposeful function is done it results in a product, a fruit is produced. Do our actions produce desired outcome? Do we produce fruit in our lives?
Christian community gets quite upset about gay marriages, pointing out that this goes against God’s design, against God’s purpose of reproduction, and therefore is an abomination. In fact, anything “unnatural” is considered abhorrent. Yet, are we consistent in all areas of life, judging ourselves by this criteria of fruitfulness too? Do we deliver what we were intended to? Do we produce fruits in our lives which God created us for?
Jesus talked continually about the “success check” for our lives: “by their fruits you shall know them.” (Matthew 7:16-18) From the parable of the fig tree cut down for not producing good quality fruit (Matthew 3:10) to the good soil that produces fruit hundredfold (Matthew 13:8), to His direct testimony in the upper room right after the Last Supper that He appointed us to bear fruit that would last (John 15:16) Fruitbearing is our way of glorifying the Father God and being true disciples of Jesus (John 15: 8) This week I read this statement in the Spirit of Prophecy: “Men may profess faith in the truth; but if it does not make them sincere, kind, patient, forbearing, heavenly-minded, it is a curse to its possessors, and through their influence it is a curse to the world.” (Desire of Ages, 310) Just like Jesus said: no fruit – be ye cursed….
The simplest criteria of evaluating functionality is the fruitbearing! How do you know if a person is baptized by the Holy Spirit? The fruits of the Spirit will be present (Galatians 5:22-23). How do you know if a Christian is a true disciple? The fruit of a tree is another tree – fruit of a disciple is another disciple….
In daily activities of life apostle Paul employed a different term for this same principle: “usefulness.” 1st Corinthians 10:23 equates “useful” with “edify” a word borrowed from architecture, meaning to “build up.”
We were created for God’s Great purpose, to praise His Name Glorious, to bear much fruit, to live useful lives, to be functional, to serve efficiently; to be healthy, whole and alive! Get LIFE Church! Get functional!

Saturday, April 29, 2006


Ever seen a picture of a crocodile opening its mouth to permit a bird to feed on leeches attached to its gums? Ever since I saw that picture of a Nile crocodile and the Egyptian plover I marveled at God’s design: mutually beneficial diversity! That’s what this principle is all about: living organisms need each other. The diversity of Spiritual Gifts best illustrate this: many parts – one body. Hand does not tell the eye “I don’t need you” nor head will say the same to the feet (1st Corinthians 12:17-21)
Symbiosis is the “one another” principle taught by the apostle Paul. We, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another….Be devoted to one another in brotherly love. Honor one another above yourselves….Live in harmony with one another. (Romans 12:5,10,16) Read Pauline letters to churches and you will find this phrase to be descriptive of the Christian Community – members of one another!
Natural way of life is symbiosis. Bees pollinate flowers while gathering honey. Now, kids would understand this example: remember Nemo? The territorial clownfish protects the anemone from anemone-eating fish, and in turn the stinging tentacles of the anemone protect the clownfish from its predators.
Biologists today openly critique Darwin’s notion of competition. Evidence shows that only intentionally co-operating, interacting, and mutually dependent organisms outcompete those that don't. Life takes over not by combat, but by networking! This is an illustrated definition of symbiosis.
The opposite of symbiosis are parasitism or competition, and in either case there is no “win-win” option.
Symbiosis is God’s design to keep our Diversity in Unity and Harmony. The Church can function according to God’s plan only as it lives together!!! In our Church we encourage wide diversity. A monoculture, producing a same worship, same practices, same music, making “carbon-copy” people for the sake of uniformity is just another form of parasitism. In nature monoculture causes erosions and depletes sources of resources…..
Symbiosis is Jesus’ Golden Rule of loving others. It’s about bringing together different people to become One Body of Christ.
Reflect on these natural principles: INTERDEPENDENCE, MULTIPLICATION, ENERGY TRANSFER, MULTIUSAGE, and now SYMBIOSIS….These principles are all connected having one thing in common: life!
In the beginning God said: “Let there be life!” Same invitation stands to the Church today: Live and let the rivers of living water flow out, as blessing from one to another…..

Saturday, April 22, 2006

MULTIPLE USAGE - more than "2 birds with one stone"

When talking about multiusage somehow most people think of simply versatility of having the same room used by different groups, or purchasing something that would be shared and used by many. This principle goes much deeper.
I am writing this from Atlanta, GA where we are attending the United Youth Congress. In my mind and spirit I am with my church, thinking about our growing together. I have been unapologetic about implementing the change, and talking about Church Health, for it is my passion to see a healthy growing church! Church where lives of people are interconnected INTERDEPENDENTLY! Church where people are not just added by pastor whose job description is “go get them!” but where people MULTIPLY the church by bringing their friends, family and introducing all within their circle of influence and beyond to the Saving Grace of Jesus.
Coming to a new city there is nothing more frustrating than “one-way” streets – makes you go in circles to get to the place you need to. Ignoring the principle of “multiple usage” is just that – one-way street:
  • in evangelism – investing money and training US to win THEM, preparing programs and events that serve;
  • in ministry – investing time counseling, preaching to, advising, ministering
  • in leadership – teaching principles, classes, seminars, training about it…..
Do you see anything wrong with this pattern? Energy, resources and time you invest - do they return any benefit? Or it’s all “one way street”?
One-way street is simply consumerism: some produce – others consume. Yet, in a market world even consumerism goes both ways: some get the product – others get paid for it. In the natural world this principle could be summed-up as “recycling” – tree leaves produce nutrients for roots, which give sap for more leaves eventually; water that evaporates – rains down….and you can think of many other examples. Bottom line is this: if a source gives, and gives, and keeps on giving, but never receives eventually it will go out.
Apostle Paul make a powerful illustration: God gives, yet when His giving gives no results, like a dry ground that gets water & produce thistles – it gets burned up! (Hebrews 6:4-8). Have you though of that: even God’s giving anticipates the Kingdom Growth…
Now think of us – the church family:
- Are we “one-way” street?
- Do people we serve to serve us back in some way?
- Do we expect them to “play it forward”?
- How will the energy invested be replenished?
- Do we allow recipients of our service to serve others too?
- Do we allow “leaders-in-training” to try “hands on” what they learn?
- Do we expect those we minister to – to minister to us?
- Would we allow all to be useful?
Think about it, and let God set in motion what He has already naturally put in us.

Saturday, April 15, 2006

ENERGY TRANSFORMATION - all works for good with God!

“To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction.” Do you remember this formula from the Physics class, the 2nd & 3rd Laws of Newton? I still remember the illustration of two balls colliding and moving in opposite directions, one gaining energy another loosing it. Well, that was physics, who cares about it anyway after the school is over?
In life it’s simply: every action causes reaction. Some people’s lives are all about reacting to other people’s acting. Hindu call it karma – every cause has it’s effect. It all makes sense…in the natural world, or how quantum science labels it – “closed system.”
But, in Christ we are called for supernatural living. The wages of sin is death, yet in Christ our actions are cover by His action and we are spared from deadly reaction. We are not in any closed system, not “in a box,” not limited to the limitations of this world. Welcome to the Liberty in Christ!
Here we are talking about paradigm shift, about changing our thinking, about allowing God to transform our mind and to tune our spirit to His Spirit.
By now you should be asking: “How?” How is that possible?
Have you ever wonder about that promise in Romans 8:28 “all things work for good for those who love God”? Does God really mean it? What about mistakes we made, is He able to turn them into some good? You know the answer!!! You Betcha! You’ve been there, made tons of mistake, and know that God does not follow laws of physics, laws of gravity, laws of limitations. He laughed at death as His Son walked out Sunday morning from the Grave! And He is able to make you able too!
A fascinating example of this principle is fighting: boxing vs. jujitsu. First is all about taking punches and giving punches back while managing to stand. Another is all about using and steering the energy of the opponent to guide wherever you need it to go.
Surfing is another example: instead of taking the wave on and going under – get on it and ride it. Instead of provoking resistance – learn how to turn resisting forces in desired direction and accomplish the goal.
Let me give you a few examples of opposing forces that exist in the church:
  • Pastor vs. Church Leadership
  • Motivation vs. Few Defeatists
  • New Enthusiasm vs. Tradition
  • Project fundraising vs. Budgetary allocation.
The beauty of God’s design is that each pair can be directed in the same direction and achieve His purposes!

Saturday, April 8, 2006

MULTIPLICATION - God's initial command

I am continuing to share with you principles that will change our approach to how we do church. Last week we talked about INTERDEPENDENCE, about how every activity is interconnected and causes side effects. This week I will describe yet another concept that takes place in all living – MULTIPLICATION!
What comes to your mind when you hear this term? Grade 2 in school? Learning the M-table? Try to shift your thinking from such technocratic term to more natural. Think about nature – healthy organisms do not grow endlessly – they reproduce themselves, right? “Fruit of a tree is another tree.”
This MULTIPLICATION concept is something we should have talked about a year ago when we just began to use the NCD tools: natural result of a healthy church is more healthy churches. Yeah! That’s right! More churches in the city. That’s what happens when church becomes healthy – it plants new churches!!!
When I hear “horror” stories of new churches splintering I feel sad, sad for people who don’t understand the purpose of the Gospel. It was never Christ’s intention to have one little church in any particular city, but to bring the Kingdom of God everywhere. Think about it: more churches – more doors and windows for the Kingdom of God!!!
Consider how our church might contribute to the multiplication of disciples, leaders, small groups, communities and churches. Since the creation God’s order to be fruitful and multiply is applicable not only to physical family procreation but also to the spiritual growth of the Kingdom!!!
You remember the story of chess inventor who wanted to sell his game to a king for a “modest” reward: a bit of rice for first square, 2 – for second, 4 – for third, eight for forth, and so on… The king smiled initially. To pay for the board he would have to produce 263 kernels of rice, that’s more than the world rice harvest over 1000 years!!!!! Or consider a water lily: 1 small leaf grows on the first week, a week later – 2, another week – 4. But in 4 month 7000 square feet of lake are covered by lilies, and it would take just another week to cover the rest. Someone said: success means successors. Just think of a family – mom, dad & kids. Not until kids have families of their own that multiplication produces succession & staying power. Same principles is behind saying “teach them to fish instead of giving fishes.”
You got the picture. Successful reproduce! The principle of multiplication is totally opposite to addition. Reproducing other leaders is more significant than adding followers. That’s advice Jethro gave to Moses – multiply yourself, give your authority to others, reproduce and share power to govern the people. The goal of technocratic system is to grow itself bigger and bigger. But natural growth is based on constantly multiplying even in small units. Instead of large evangelistic meeting events – quiet but continuous relational evangelism of house churches.
Initial stages are actually slow and take longer time to develop. Jesus focused on developing one group for 3 ½ years, leaving a legacy of 11 at Gethsemane, yet giving them the Power, & Authority, & Experience, & Relationship that captured the world within one generation!
I am not opposing additions. Let’s do both: events & process, campaigns and relationships. Just remember that the superior long-term results are yielded when multiplication is applied.
Jesus commissioned His Disciples to go and make disciples of all nations. Go and grow! Multiply, reproduce, share, invest! Let God’s Kingdom be multiplied. As you go, ask yourself: am I multiplying, or simply serving busily and adding?

Saturday, April 1, 2006

INTERDEPENDENCE - beyond connection

Last week a church member asked me why we are not using the church to downlink Shawn Boonstra’s Revelation Seminar. My reply was – “the church is not ready.” I am sure the question is not a lone incidence. Others may be asking this question, silently wondering “why did we break a routine of downlinking evangelistic seminars?”
Well, blame the NCD, blame the leadership for aspiring not only to implement change with new ideas, but to change the mode of thinking and practices. Blame the process which we began a year ago which is intended to remove barriers for growth and to create an environment in which the Healthy Church would grow naturally, all by itself.
A year ago we talked about fragmentation where each essential ministry pulls toward itself, by itself, for itself, producing competition for resources, time, people and priorities. The opposite to fragmentation stands God’s vision for His Church as One Body, united, connected, functional, whole. And the first principle is INTERDEPENDENCE: decision or action we make in one area of the church will impact other areas of church life. No ministry is an island.
Let’s look at an evangelistic series for example. Rallying the church together for 30 nights will create a short term buzz, a few conversions, a feeling that we’ve done our duty for the year, a success report at the Board.
Now let’s think about the long term effects:
  • How will the converts be accepted and assimilated into the church?
  • Are we ready for adding a new Sabbath School class?
  • Do we have committed core groups ready to nurture newborn believers?
  • Will this event of itself equip church members to do evangelism?
  • Do we have a team ready to follow up interests with Bible Studies?
  • Which ministries will have to sacrifice their volunteers to support it?
  • Are you ready to bring your friends, or it does not fit your schedule?

I could go on asking questions. What looks like a good idea on its own may have consequences opposite to what was intended. Positive short-term can easily turn into a crisis long-term, and a painful short-term measures can turn into great success long-term. Conducting the Spiritual gift discovery (short term success) with church members, but not helping them to find suitable areas of ministry will turn off many from ever doing the gift Discovery again (long term side-effect). Not having a “satellite downlink” when everyone else is doing it (short time failure), that awakens the thirst for Evangelism and begins a process of training, equipping and outreach that will produce a Life style Evangelism 24x7 will be our long term success.
Instead of living “knee-jerk reaction” to every program that is advertised in the mail, we must consider long term plans, “side-effects”, and the final outcome.

  • Today we are starting Worship Evangelism at both churches – affirming and sharing our faith values that will continue through this year, and improving our worship experience.
  • May-June we will build relationships with the neighborhood around us through acts of kindness, participating with other churches in Love London project.
  • Through this summer we will put an extra effort in developing small groups, preparing caring communities for nurturing new believers, preparing for Fall Evangelism.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Next Level - Biotic Thinking

Last Sunday as elders met to talk about Church Development it was evident that a shift in thinking is needed for our churches to develop naturally. Hopefully we understand of WHAT tools to use checking the vital signs of living and healthy church (evangelism, ministry, worship, leadership, spirituality, structures, relationships, groups). Optimistically I hope we understand WHEN to focus on specific areas of growth (minimum factor improvement) restoring the balance.
We’ve been asking for a while HOW TO. The answer is simple – PARADIGM SHIFT! Or simply put – thinking differently through applying principles that govern all life.
June 4th 2005 I briefly introduced “Biotic Principles” contrasting these two pictures: Robot vs. Baby
Questions were asked: whose baby is it?
Did someone just had a new baby?
Is a baby shower being planned?

The real question is: do we see ourselves as a Living Body, an Organism? Are we maintaining a Mechanical Machine, an Organization? 10 month ago I ended with a promise to unpack biotic principles through natural living examples – never got to it.
There is really nothing we can do about church growth, and yet we ought to do something. God needs no handbook – we do. Sounds cool, but it is a false paradox. For God always cooperates and involves humanity in His work. He reveals His secrets and plans to His people. Apostle Paul says that believers are entrusted with the secret things of God. (1st Corinthians 4:1)
Our efforts of using right tools (that’s all the NCD is – a diagnostic tool) will get us nowhere unless God builds the spiritual momentum, unless our thinking is in sync with God’s plans, unless we check our actions according to principles recorded in God’s Word.
Let me re-introduce the 6 Biotic Principles: Interdependence, Multiplication, Energy Transformation, Multiusage, Symbiosis & Functionality. When making decisions remember:

  • God’s Kingdom is a large connected system. Changes in one ministry will affect other ministries in the church and community. What are the “side-effects”?
  • Healthy organisms do not grow endlessly but reproduce themselves.
  • Energy already flowing, whether positive or negative, can be redirected to accomplish God’s purposes.
  • Gifts and assets of people in changing environments and circumstances do serve multiple purposes.
  • Mutual benefit of cooperative relationships is greater than operating separately.
  • Each ministry needs to produce results in line with its intended purpose.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Why Natural Church Development?

Each member, even the pastor, can see only part of the total reality of the church life. Each one of us has personal favorites. As we think of our church some wish to see more improvements or changes in the worship style and format. Others would like to see the building itself improved, expanded, redecorated and furnished. Another group is eager to go on the street corners and do more evangelism, reach the community. There are few “small group” enthusiasts. Pastor thinks that empowering and training more leaders will solve our needs. The different preferences are obvious even when we come to our Board meetings. Yet, only networking perspectives of many individuals will result in an accurate picture.
This is the main purpose of the Natural Church Development plan –assessing strength and growth areas, exposing urgent needs while encouraging to use and build on strengths to improve vulnerable; enabling to pull together all the fractions and all different interests into a teamwork, and prioritizing what’s important at the moment.
A year ago we did our first evaluation and obtained an objective picture of our church health at the time. We worked faithfully on areas that needed improvements – at South the Loving Relationships, at North the Small Groups; both churches needed a process of Spiritual Gifts discovery to provide opportunities for ministry, not neglecting other vital quality characteristics of the church life – Leadership development, introducing visual enhancements to our worship, developing the church choir, improving and updating our facilities, introducing the groups and prayer meetings at home, preaching to appeal to and to challenge the passionate spirituality. Some of the essential areas were less invested in – we have not done any evangelistic work for the needs of the community around.
Many small victories took place in the past year. Many small changes added to the momentum. People themselves changed as our church is not frozen in a status quo. It is time to observe the trends again, to see where we grew and where we overlooked the need to grow. April 29 @ North & May 6 @ South we will invite 30 people from each congregation to stay after the church for 15 min and to complete the NCD survey. Personal invitations will be sent to individuals selected to participate in diagnosing the church health.
Meanwhile – do not forget what our goal is: becoming a Church where spiritual leaders facilitate inspiring, genuine and participatory WORSHIP, where spiritually gifted people minister the Good News to the needs of the community, where passionate personal spiritually is expressed through loving relationships, where functional and effective structures assist community development & discipleship through groups.

Saturday, March 4, 2006

Back to the Future - back to NCD

I hope you still remember what the acronym NCD stands for:
the N_ _ _ _ _ _ C_ _ _ _ _ D_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Right?

It has been almost a year since I first introduced this concept to the leadership of our church – Healthy Churches Grow automatically, without fuss and fumes, “all by itself” using God given potential.
Last weekend of March 2005 the concept was introduced, and through the month of April we were preparing for the diagnostic survey, explaining and unpacking the 8 essential quality characteristics of every church.
Then in May we did it – surveyed ourselves and waited for the verdict, preparing the leadership team for implementation.
With trepidation we discovered or “minimum factor” in June, and then we got interrupted – camp meetings, General Conference, summer time, busy, busy, busy…Although Ghanaian families had began the Cultural Diversity Program as a part of implementation process. Preparing for the leadership restructuring in the fall we had invested August and September encouraging the total participation of all believers through the use of Spiritual Gifts.
Last few months we took time to consider and study the postmodern drift and shift of paradigms in the contemporary culture, and finally, with the new ministry teams we are ready to get back to work - back to the Natural Church Development.
Quite often people fall into extremes in their thinking and understanding the Church – either too static, or too dynamic, seeing the church either as technocratic structural organization, or unrestricted unpredictable organism. The Biblical view has always been the balance between extremes, a creative relationship between static organization and dynamic growth.
Just think of these Biblical metaphors for Church:

Dynamic / Organic
Static / Technical
1st Peter 2:5
Ephesians 2:21
of the Temple
Ephesians 4:12
body of Christ
1st Corinthians 3:9
God's field and
God's building
Paradoxically these are not mutually exclusive but constructively inclusive pictures of how God works and what He does with His Church: unchangeable yet growing, absolute yet ever relevant, structured yet adaptable – it’s a definite PARADIGM SHIFT!