Saturday, March 19, 2005

Introducing Natural Church Development

This weekend the Christian world commemorates an event that took place 1974 years ago. The event that transformed the world by reconciling the world to God, and providing a direct access to life eternal through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.
Apostle Paul writing to the Church in Rome comments on this mighty event of Christ’s Death and Resurrection, emphasizing that the true celebration is represented in the symbols of Baptism. It is in baptism when we went under the water, we left the old country of sin behind; and when we came out of the water, we entered a new country of Grace – a new life. Paul says that when we are lowered into the water, it is like the burial of Jesus; when we are raised up out of the water, it is like the resurrection of Jesus. (Romans 6:3-5)
Paul continues on this subject of the miraculous resurrection of Christ when he reminds believers that if the alive-and-present God who raised Jesus from the dead moves into your life, He will do the same thing in you that He did in Jesus – making you alive, with the Spirit of God living in you. (Romans 8:11)
As we reflect on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, I encourage you to consider that the same miraculous resurrection took place in your life when you were baptized, and the same miracle of resurrection to a new life is available to all who will be baptized into Jesus.
Being given a new life we are becoming what Christ intended His Church Body to be – A Church of Ministers, each one receiving gifts and anointing for personal ministry. The Body of Christ alive is growing and has these characteristics:
Inspiring genuine and participatory WORSHIP.
Empowering, directing and spiritual LEADERSHIP.
Need oriented strategic EVANGELISM.
Loving, lasting and significant RELATIONSHIPS.
Passionate personal SPIRITUALITY.
Effective and functional STRUCTURES.
Gift oriented stewardship MINISTRIES.
Community developed through HOLISTIC GROUPS.
Remember the price paid for your life, and live it with Christ, so your joy may be abundant